The 1500 Series is a series of 100 meetings from a total of 2,606 meetings. Those 100 meetings between December 18,1968 and June 4, 1969 were held around the country in places such as San Francisco, The Land, New York City, the Barn, Boston, Pittsburgh, Portland, Seattle, Santa Cruz, Santa Fe, Osceola, and Dallas. It was a period of intense effort in the lives of these groups. There was no rest.
Mr. Nyland’s practical understanding of Work and his insistence on direct application of the ideas is immediately clear. He insisted that no hierarchy was required to open the door of Work. The emphasis over and over again is on the necessity of group work for the development of Conscience.
You can find The 1500 Series book at:
Also available directly from:
Land House
P.O. Box 155
Occidental, CA 95465
So what I have in mind now, with this Fifteen Hundred Series, it represents for me an accumulation of certain data, perhaps knowledge, and to some extent, an understanding. And I would like to have it…available for those who really, I say are entitled to it, and that it is located in certain groups of the country, where I hope gradually there will be developed a certain sincerity in regard to what is contained in such little talks. It requires, of course, the honesty of only using it when it is right…
W, A. Nyland June 4, 1969